Media Quotes

WWF sturgeon project praised by EU and Convention of Migratory Species

11.02.2014, WWF

A WWF project about Danube sturgeons have been named ‘remarkable’ by the LIFE programme which is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment. A component of the project dealing with a marking and monitoring system for the sturgeons have been selected as ‘project of ...

Централен Балкан в интерактивна карта

16.11.2011, Север.bg

Интерактивна карта с GPS данни за Национален парк "Централен Балкан" вече е достъпна в интернет пространството. В нея е събрана информация за основните ...

Two awards at the Bulgarian awards for web contest in June 2009

29.06.2009, Bulgarian awards for web

At the contest Bulgarian awards for web in June 2009 the website won 2 awards: 1st award in category Lifestyle Special award for website with best information architecture, navigation and technical realisation; The website is made by Loopink (graphic design) and ...



Екокомпост е единствената българска фирма за домашно компостиране. Тази седмица можеш да се запознаеш с тях на "Флора". Горичка разговаря с Хелена Гома и ...

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